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General Information

Full Name George Tsialiamanis
Languages English, Greek, Spanish, German


  • 2021
    University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
    • Marie Sklodowska--Curie Actions 2020 Innovative Training Network Dynamic Virtualisation Decision Support for Virtualisation DyVirt.
    • PhD thesis A data-driven approach to modelling structures.
    • Machine-learning techniques for structural dynamics and structural health monitoring.
  • 2017
    Master of Engineering
    National Technichal University of Athens, Athens, Greece
    • Structural engineering sepcialisation.
    • Master dissertation High-performacne surrogate models.


  • 2023 - Present
    Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Sheffield
    • Part of the Dynamics Research Group.
    • Teaching AER291 Vibrations of Aerostructures.
  • 2023
    Visiting Researcher
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, US
    • Collaboration to develop digital twin systems for structures.
    • Two-month visit funded by the engineering Institute.
  • 2020
    Visiting Researcher
    ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
    • Secondment as part of the DyVirt program.
    • Developemnt of graph-learning models for structural health monitoring.
  • 2017-2018
    Beta--CAE Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece
    • Development of machine-learning models for prediction of car-crash results.

Honors and Awards

  • Best paper award
  • 2020
    • Best 'Data-science for engineering' paper at the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC).